
I am currently assistant professor at LIRMM, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier. I conduct my research within the ADVANSE team. I have been previously involed at British Telecom in modeling host behaviors over the network in a scalable approach using SPARK and, in particular, focusing on deviant behaviors.
I conducted my Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Pr. Esther Pacitti and defended it in December 2014 at LIRMM (i.e. Laboratoire d'Informatique, Robotique et Micro-électronique de Montpellier) in the Zenith Team led by Patrick Valduriez.
I was then involved in a crowdsourcing project under the supervision of Alexis Joly.
The context of this work is associated to the Pl@ntNet project and is about plants identification and is
part of a collaboration with Dennis Shasha from NYU (author of more than 400 papers in data science).
My main research interests are:
Inference // Bayesian networks// Machine learning // Crowdsourcing // Information Retrieval // Diversification // Recommendation // Clouds, decentralized and multi-sites systems // Gamification